Monday, 27 August 2012

4G Finally

After waiting for what seems like an eternity 4G is available in the UK thanks for Everything Everywhere. This is merger of Orange and T-Mobile. Although I found this on the BBC, I though I'd share my thoughts.

Firstly I would personally thank the mobile company as for once it's on a network that I use, but would not be able to take advantage of for the moment. Secondly the phone companies (O2 and Vodafone) complain that they will lose out. I would say that Everything Everywhere and 3 (the network) have prepared, they should have too. Remember the saying "failing to plan is planning to fail".

Some would say why 4G? I would say why 4 years? That is how long the UK has been missing out. It's a shame that we missed the roll out of 4G during the Olympics. We could have been the first nation to bring Long Term Evolution to the Olympics.

With 4G on our phones many of us will get faster internet from our phones than from our home phone lines. Maybe that will spur the ISPs to speed up there home internet speeds for all of us.

A word for the ISPs: You need to speed up the process on providing up faster internet than making excuses on why it's taking you longer to get the lines updated. Stop milking our money and catch up with the rest of Europe, Japan and South Korea (the later 2 with 1Gb internet).

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